• jp-2jp-1 [1 of 9]
    Existing (left) and proposed north elevation drawings. next>
    jp-4jp-3 [2 of 9]
    Existing north view, and model showing proposed entry porch addition.<back next>
    jp-5jp-5a [3 of 9]
    Two views before and after the entry porch addition.<back next>
    jp-7jp-6 [4 of 9]
    Existing (left) and proposed south elevation drawings.<back next>
    jp-9jp-8 [5 of 9]
    Existing south view, and model showing proposed window and deck additions.<back next>
    jp10[6 of 9]
    South view with deck and window additions.<back next>
    jp-12jp-11 [7 of 9]
    Before-and-after shots of the kitchen renovation looking towards the dining room addition.<back next>
    jp13[8 of 9]

    Dining room addition.<back next>
    jp14[9 of 9]
    South deck and window additions.<back

JP House, located in Cape Cod, is an historic building on a commanding site overlooking the sea. The renovation of the west wing entry, interior kitchen and dining areas included providing an enclosed entry porch to the north, a bay of south facing windows to take advantage of the view and winter sunlight, and a south deck for summer use.  Click through the slideshow above to view select drawings and before-and-after shots of the finished addition.